Budget Matrix With Calendar
Budget matrix With Calendar is based on Budget Matrix With Capacity with the addition of showing Resource Outlook calendar bookings in a separate overview.
Navigate to the Project Plan > Budget > Budget Matrix With Calendar. Fill in the fields, as necessary. Hover over a field to read a short description.
Any calendar booking marked "Private" in Outlook is shown as "PRIVATE" in the matrix.
Basic Filters FastTab
Filters entered here affect what is displayed in the Budget Lines FastTab.
Field Name | Description |
Budget Version/Filters |
Specifies Budget Version from the list. Select a Budget Version from the list to display or add or modify Budget Entries to that specific Budget. |
Type | Specifies the Type for Budget. Options: |
- Resource | |
- Resource Group | |
- Expense (total cost) | |
- Expense (qty) | |
Item | |
- Resource Sub Group |
Select a Type from the list to display or add or modify budget entries to that specific Type (see Number field below).
Number |
Specifies the Type number from the lookup list. For example, if Resource is selected as Type, the Number field displays a list of Resource numbers from which to select. The list changes depending on what value is selected in the Type field. |
Resource Group No. | Specifies the Resource Group number from the drop-down list. |
Resource Sub Group No. | Specifies the Resource Sub Group number from the lookup list. |
View by | Specifies which period Budget amounts are displayed. Options: |
- Day | |
- Week | |
- Month | |
-Quarter | |
- Year | |
- Accounting period | |
Show Extra Filters | Specifies, if yes/true, the Extra Filters tab is displayed. |
Once either the Show Calendar or Show Capacity Boolean is selected/true, a new FastTab will be available for additional filtering in the Capacity/Calendar Subpage.
Show Calendar |
Specifies, if yes/true, that a Resource calendar will be displayed. |
Show Capacity | Specifies that a Resource capacity view will be displayed. |
View by (Calendar/Capacity) | Specifies by which period calendar/capacity amounts are displayed. Options: |
- Day | |
- Week | |
- Month | |
- Quarter | |
- Year | |
- Accounting Period |
It is important to run the Update Capacity process to view accurate capacity in the Resource Calendar Matrix section. For more information on the Update Capacity process, see: Time & Expense - Update Capacity
Show Column Name |
Specifies, if yes/true, Budget dates will show as names instead of dates. |
Ignore Filters (only for view) | Specifies, if yes/true, all Budget values will be shown. When enabling this Budget values cannot be modified. |
Capacity/Calendar Filters
Filters entered here affects what is displayed in the Resource Calendar Matrix FastTab.
Field Name | Description |
Start Date |
Specifies the Start Date used to filter the Resource Calendar Matrix. |
End Date | Specifies the End Date used to filter the Resource Calendar Matrix. |
Resource Number | Specify the Resource Number, from the drop-down list, to be used to filter data for the Resource Calendar Matrix. |
Resource Group No. | Specify the Resource Group Number, from the drop-down list, to be used to filter data for the Resource Calendar Matrix. |
Resource Sub Group No. | Specify the Resource Sub Group Number, from the drop-down list, to be used to filter data for the Resource Calendar Matrix. |
Capacity Show | Specifies the data to be shown in the Resource Calendar Matrix for the period of time shown in the View by (Calendar/Capacity) field. Options: |
- Remaining - Displays the number of hours available for Budgets, for the selected Resource, for all Projects. Capacity hours minus Budget hours equals the Remaining hours. | |
- Budget: Displays the total number of hours in Budgets, for the selected Resource, for all Projects. | |
Capacity - Displays the maximum number of hours that can be assigned to Project Budgets, for the selected Resource. | |
- Usage: Informational only. Displays total number of hours for the selected Resource, posted to all Projects. |
Budget Lines
Budget Lines displays the Project Task budget amounts based on the filters selected in the Basic Filter sections above.
Field Name | Description |
Project Task No. |
Specifies the Project Task number for the Budget Line |
Description | Specifies identifying information about the text that defaults from the Project Task Description. |
Original Budget | Specifies an amount to enter for the Original Budget. |
ETC Budget | Specifies an amount to enter for the ETC (Estimate to Complete) Budget. |
EAC Budget | Specifies an amount to enter for the EAC (Estimate at Completion) Budget. |
Date Columns | The headings in the date columns change, depending on the value specified in the View By field in the header. If the View By value is Day, the column headers display a daily value (i.e., 10/6/2022, 10/7/2022). If the View By value is Month, the column headers display monthly values *(i.e., Oct 2022, Nov 2022, etc.). This allows you to enter budgets in these columns for the required date value. |
Resource Calendar Matrix
The Resource Calendar Matrix displays Resource Calendars based on filters entered in the Basic Filters and Capacity/Calendar Filters sections above.
The information displayed depends on the Show Calendar, Show Capacity, and View by (Calendar/Capacity) settings selected in Basic Filters, as well as the Capacity Show, Start Date, and End Date filters selected in Capacity/Calendar Filters section.
Add additional filtering or view options as appropriate.