Create Project Templates
Project Templates can be defined to create a new Project when using the Project Wizard or Quick Project Guide. Use the Project Template to easily configure WIP and other settings not included in the Project Wizard or Quick Project Guide prompts. To create a new Project Template:
- Navigate to the Role Center > Setup > Template Setup > Project Template
- Select New from the ribbon.
General FastTab
Field Name |
Description |
Code![]() |
Create a unique identifier for the Project Template.![]() |
Description |
Specifies information about the Project Template. |
Customer/Prospect |
Select from either option, Customer or Prospect, to identify if the Project Template is used for a Customer or Prospect Project. |
Sell-to Customer No. |
Specifies the system-assigned Number for the Customer who will receive the services or products and be billed by default. |
Sell-to Customer Name |
Specifies the name of the Sell-to Customer. |
Sell-to Address |
Specifies the Address for the Sell-to Customer. |
Address2 |
Specifies the alternate or additional Sell-to Address information. |
Post Code/City |
Specifies the Post Code/City Sell-to Customer. |
City |
Specifies the City for the Sell-to Customer. |
State |
Specifies the State for the Sell-to Customer. |
Sell-to Contact No. |
Specifies the Sell-to Contact Number for the Sell-to Customer. |
Sell-to Contact |
Specifies the Sell-to Contact Name for the Sell-to Customer. |
External Project No. |
Specifies the External Project No. - a reference number from the Customer. |
Search Description |
Specifies an additional Description of the Project for searching purposes. Defaults to the same information as Description. |
Status |
This selection will be the initial category of the Project. Options: |
- Planning |
- Quote |
- Open |
Person Responsible |
Specifies the Resource who is accountable for the Project, in addition to the Project Manager. |
Salesperson Code |
Specifies a code for the Salesperson who normally handles the Customer's account and Project. |
Project Manager |
Specifies the Resource who has primary responsibility to manage the Project. |
Blocked |
Specifies that Posting entries for this Project are blocked or All transactions are disabled (i.e., Budget Entries). For example, a Customer that is declared insolvent or is past due on payments. |
Internal Project |
Specifies it is an internal, company Project. |
Private Project |
Specifies it is a private Project. |
Customer Project |
Specifies it is a Project billable to a Customer. |
Project Alert % |
Specifies the percentage for when an alert is raised. For example, when Project Alert % = 10 and Budget Amount = 5000, Calculated Alert Level = 5000-500 = 4500. When actual usage reaches 4500 or more, the system will raise an alert. |
Task Alert % |
Specifies the percentage used to calculate the amount to trigger an alert for a Task line in the Project Plan. When the Difference field reaches the Calculation Amount, the number will change to yellow or red, depending on the user specified Alert Calculation Value. Example, when the Task Alert % = 10 and the Budget Amount = 5000, Calculated Alert Level = 5000-500 = 4500. When actual usage for the Task reaches 4500, the color will change to yellow. When the value reaches 5000 or more the amount will be displayed in red. |
Std. Mileage to Customer |
Specifies the standard mileage charged to the Customer. The mileage amount is used in conjunction with the settings in Project Setup using the amount as the default and not allowing an entry above that limit. |
Two global dimensions, typically for the company's most important activities, are available on all cards, documents, reports, and lists.
The Global Dimension 1 and 2 Codes are used by Progressus Multi-Company when creating Projects with the Project Wizard. For more information, see: Create Project Wizard
Global Dimension 1 Code![]() |
Specifies the code for Global Dimension 1 that is linked to the record or entry for analysis purposes.![]() |
Global Dimension 2 Code |
Specifies the code for Global Dimension 2 that is linked to the record or entry for analysis purposes. |
Project Event Template |
Specifies a default Project Event Template. For more information about Project Events, see: Create Project Events |
Task Template |
Specifies a default Task Template. Only available for use with the Quick Project Guide. |
Invoice Setup Template |
Specifies a default Invoice Setup Template. Only available for use with the Quick Project Guide. |
Project Category Code |
Specifies a default Category Code. Categories are user created and can be used to classify Projects. Examples: project amount, location, customer size. |
Posting FastTab
Field Name |
Description |
Language Code![]() |
Specifies the language code for the Project from the standard D365 BC language code list.![]() |
Application Method |
Specifies how to apply payments to entries for this Project. |
Contract No. |
Specifies the Contract no from the Contract List if this Project is connected to a Contract. This will allow review of budget and actual amounts on the Contract and the individual Project. |
Location Code |
Specifies the Location Code of the Warehouse Location. |
Contract Task Code |
Specifies the Contract Task Code from the list of Contract Tasks. All the Budget and Usage for a specific Project roll up to a Contract Task. Multiple Projects can be linked to the same Task on the Contract. |
Connected to Project |
Specifies a Project to connect to this Project, if there is a relationship between two or more Projects. This is for informational purposes only and does not group data for reporting. |
Project Posting Group |
Specifies the Posting Group that links transactions made for the Project with the appropriate General Ledger Accounts according to the General Posting Setup. |
Foreign Trade FastTab
Field Name |
Description |
Currency Code![]() |
Specifies the Currency Code for the Project. By default, the Currency Code is empty. If a Currency Code is entered here and on a Time or Expense Entry, and select Use Posted Currency for Resource and Expense on the Project Card, the system will create the sales invoice using the Currency. If set, the Currency will be used as the default Currency in Project Journals and on Expense Sheets. If Use Posted Currency is not selected the invoice will be created in LCY (Local Currency).![]() |
Invoice Currency Code |
Specifies the Currency Code to apply when creating invoices for a Project. By default, the Invoice Currency Code for a Project is based on what Currency Code is defined on the Customer Card. If none of the Use Posted Currency selections are set to yes/true, then all invoices for that Project shall be created in the Currency in this field. |
Invoicing FastTab
Field Name |
Description |
Resource Invoice Type![]() |
Specifies the default for Resource Invoice Type on Project creation. Options:![]() |
- Fixed |
- Time/Material |
- Percent Complete |
Item Invoice Type |
Specifies the default for Item Invoice Type on Project creation. Options: |
- Fixed |
- Time/Material |
- Percent Complete |
Expense Invoice Type |
Specifies the default for Expense Invoice Type on Project creation. Options: |
- Fixed |
- Time/Material |
- Percent Complete |
Resource - Use Posted Currency |
Specifies if the Currency on Resource transactions will be used when creating an invoice. When different currencies are used in transactions, an invoice will be created for each Currency. |
Expense Use Posted Currency |
Specifies if the Currency on Expense transactions will be used when creating an invoice. When different currencies are used in transactions, an invoice will be created for each Currency. |
Item Use Posted Currency |
Specifies if the Currency on Item transactions will be used when creating an invoice. When different currencies are used in transactions, an invoice will be created for each Currency. |
Resource Discount % |
Specifies a percentage discount for Resource pricing. The discount percent will apply to the corresponding Budget and Usage Discount columns in the Project Plan. |
Item Discount % |
Specifies a percentage discount for Item pricing. The discount percent will apply to the corresponding Budget and Usage Discount columns in the Project Plan. |
Expense and Sched. Billings Discount % |
Specifies a percentage discount for Expense and Scheduled Billing pricing. The discount percent will apply to the corresponding Budget and Usage Discount columns in the Project Plan. |
Resource Group Discount % |
Specifies a percentage discount for Resource Group pricing. The discount percent will apply to the corresponding Budget and Usage Discount columns in the Project Plan. |
Retention % |
Specifies the percentage to withhold from an invoice amount until a specific Project, Task, or Milestone is completed. Once the percentage is entered, any invoice generated would retain that percentage until the retention is manually released. |
Invoice Chargeable Zero Price |
Specifies if all chargeable Usage entries will be included on Sales Invoices even if the amount is zero. If not selected, only chargeable Usage entries with an amount not equal to zero will be included on Sales Invoices. |
Quote Budget Version |
Specifies the Budget Version used to quote the Project from the Budget Version List. A Project Quote can be created from any Budget Version, but this will clarify for users which Budget Version is the original quote. |
Billing Cycle |
Specifies a code that indicates the billing cycle to be used when grouping Projects for billing. |
Hour Budget |
Specifies the budgeted hours for the Project, user entry. |
Sold Hours |
Specifies the sold hours for the Project, user entry. |
Sold Unit Price (LCY) |
Specifies the sold unit price for the Project, user entry. |
Project Type |
Specifies the overall Project Type. |
- Time/Material: Actual Usage hours will be invoiced. |
- Fixed - a Contract amount will be invoiced regardless of actual Usage hours. This option must be chosen to use the Update new price per hour function. |
% Complete Billing |
- Resources % Complete: Specifies if Resource Usage is to be included in percent complete calculation for billing. |
- Items % Complete: Specifies if Item Usage is to be included in percent complete calculation for billing. |
- Expenses % Complete: Specifies if Expense Usage is to be included in the percent complete calculation for billing. |
% Complete Override: Specifies if the user can override the calculated percent complete for billing. |
% Complete Based On |
Specifies the calculation value on which percent complete is based, as quantity or cost. |
% Compl. Billing Level |
Specifies the default level for % complete billing as on the entire Project or on each Task and at the Summary or Detail level. |
% Complete Task |
Specifies the Task to use when doing percent complete billing at the Task level. |
Sales Order Invoiced |
Specifies the options for billing when a sales order is created. Options: |
- Invoicing at Shipment |
- Through Project |
Sales Order Creates Usage |
Specifies if true then it will create Usage on the Project through a Project Ledger Entry. |
Sales Invoice Creates Usage |
Specifies if true then it will create Usage on the Project through a Project Ledger Entry. |
Shipping and Billing FastTab
Field Name |
Description |
Bill-to Customer No.![]() |
Specifies the Customer to whom the sales invoice will be sent.![]() |
Name |
Specifies the Name of the Bill-to Customer. |
Address |
Specifies the Address of the Bill-to Customer. |
Address 2 |
Specifies additional address information. |
Postcode/City |
Specifies the ZIP Code of the Bill-to Customer. |
City |
Specifies the City of the Bill-to Customer who pays for the Project. |
State |
Specifies the State code of the Bill-to Customer's billing address. |
Bill-to Contact No. |
Specifies the system-assigned Number of the Contact for the Bill-to Customer. |
Contact |
Specifies the Name of the person to Contact at the Bill-to Customer. |
Budget FastTab
Field Name |
Description |
Active Budget Version![]() |
Specifies the Active Budget Version currently in use for the Project. When creating a Project, the Active Budget Version chosen in the setup is automatically assigned. In the field Active Budget Version, it is possible to choose another Active Budget Version.![]() |
Original Budget Version |
Specifies the Original Budget Version to be used for comparison. This is typically the starting Budget for the Project. |
ETC Budget |
Specifies the ETC (estimate to complete) Budget Version to be used for comparison. |
EAC Budget |
Specifies the EAC (estimate at completion) Budget Version to be used for comparison. |
Pipeline |
Specifies the Pipeline percentage from the Pipeline lookup list. This indicates the percentage chance of winning this Project. Once the Pipeline for the Project has been defined this will be taken into consideration on the G/L accounts and allocation of the Resources. |
Planning Integration |
Specifies the default Budget Version to be linked to Planning Lines. Leaving this field blank will result in no link to Planning Lines. |
Purchasing FastTab
Field Name |
Description |
Purchase Receipt Posting![]() |
Specifies how and where purchase receipt costs should post. The user can select to reserve the cost in the Received Not Invoiced field on the Project Plan. They can also choose to post it as Usage Cost to the Project or directly to Inventory but **Reserved to Project. Options:![]() |
- Received Not Invoiced |
- Usage Cost |
- Inventory Reserved to Project |
For more information on the topic of Purchase Receipt Posting and options, see:
WIP and Recognition Settings FastTab
Time and Material
Field Name |
Description |
WIP and Revenue Recognition Method ![]() |
Specifies the Revenue Recognition Method for Time and Material Contract Types. Options: ![]() |
- None: Value Type and Entry Type Filter are selected by the user. |
When Performed: Value Type and Entry Type Filter are populated with default settings |
-When Billed: Value Type and Entry Type Filter are populated with default settings |
-Direct Invoice: Value Type and Entry Type Filter are selected by the user |
-User Defined: Value Type and Entry Type Filter are selected by the user |
Use Advanced WIP and Revenue Recognition |
If selected (true), specifies that Resources, Items, or Expenses will be handled differently. If all three Usage types should be treated the same then leave this Boolean set to off (false). If the field is set to false, there are 2 additional fields displayed: |
- Value Type: Specifies the value on which the WIP calculation should be based. Cost value will use the Cost Amount from Project Ledger Entries and Sales Value will use the Sales Amount from the entries. |
- Entry Type Filter: Specifies the Project Ledger Entry Type(s) for Resources, Expenses and Items that will be included in the WIP calculation. Options: Usage entries, Sale entries, or Usage and Sales - open entries. |
WIP Cost/Sale price Res. |
Specifies the value on which WIP Calculation should be based. Options: |
- Cost Value: Will use the Cost amount from Project Ledger Entries. |
- Sales Value: Will use the Sales amount from the entries. |
WIP Usage/ Budget Res. |
Specifies the Project Ledger Entry Type(s) for Resources that will be included in the WIP calculation: |
- Usage Entries |
- Budget Entries |
- Sales Entries |
- Usage and Sales Entries |
WIP Cost/Sale Price Exp. |
Specifies the value on which WIP Calculation should be based. Options: |
Cost Value: Will use the Cost amount from Project Ledger Entries. |
- Sales Value: Will use the sales Amount from the entries. |
WIP Usage/ Budget Exp. |
Specifies the Project Ledger Entry Type(s) for Expenses that will be included in the WIP calculation. Options: |
- Usage Entries |
- Budget Entries |
- Sales Entries |
- Usage and Sales Entries |
WIP Cost/Sale Price Item |
Specifies the value on which WIP Calculation should be based. Options: |
- Cost Value: Will use the Cost amount from Project Ledger Entries. |
- Sales Value: Will use the Sales amount from the entries. |
WIP Usage/ Budget Item |
Species, if true, that the Project Ledger Entry Type(s) for Items that will be included in the WIP calculation. |
- Usage Entries |
- Budget Entries |
- Sales Entries |
- Usage and Sales Entries |
Exclude Res. WIP |
Specifies, if true, that Resources will be excluded from the WIP calculation. |
Exclude Exp. WIP |
Specifies, if true, that Expenses will be excluded from the WIP calculation. |
Exclude Item WIP |
Specifies if Items will be excluded from the WIP calculation. |
Include Non-Chargeable |
Specifies, if true, that non-chargeable entries will be included in the WIP calculation. |
Field Name |
Description |
Cost Type![]() |
Specifies the Cost Type of the Project. Use the lookup to select the Cost Type Code. Options include Labor and WIP. ![]() |
Use Contract Amount |
Specifies if the Contract Amount should be used for the fixed portion of the WIP calculation. |
WIP Split Type |
Specifies how WIP on a Fixed Price Task is split. Options: |
- None: No splitting |
- G/L-Posting: a G/L entry is created for each usage entry. |
WIP and Revenue Recognition Method |
Specifies the Revenue Recognition Method for Fixed Contract Types. Options: |
- None |
- % Complete |
- Direct Invoice |
Value and Entry Filter |
Specifies the base for the WIP calculation for Task lines of Contract Type: "Fixed". This field is available on when WIP and Revenue Recognition Method field is % Complete. Options: |
- None |
- Budget Cost |
- Scheduled Billing Price |
Fixed Price: Use full Contract Value for Basis |
Specifies if this Boolean is true, the system will not consider WIP Until Date for cut off for calculation of Contract Value (Scheduled Billings entry or Budget Cost) for % Complete. If this Boolean is false, the system uses the WIP Until Date in the calculation of % Complete for the Contract Value (Scheduled Billings entry or Budget Cost) for % Complete. |
WIP FP % Complete Calculation Based On |
Specifies the calculation value on which WIP is based, as Quantity, Cost or Milestone. |
Field Name |
Description |
Allocation Method![]() |
Specifies the first Allocation Method to be used to calculate allocations for the Project.![]() |
Allocation Rate |
Specifies the Allocation Rate table to determine the correct rates to use in calculations. |
WIP Calculation FastTab
Field Name |
Description |
ETC Risk Factor % (TM)![]() |
Specifies the percentage part of the calculated WIP amount. Risk Factor can be set in the interval from 0 to 100.![]() |
WIP % (FP) |
Specifies the percentage part of the calculated WIP amount. Risk Factor can be set in the interval from 0 to 100. |
Permission FastTab
Field Name |
Description |
Limit Time Entry Project List to Permissions![]() |
Specifies if enabled, only those Resources or Resource Groups added to Project > Permissions with Timesheet rights will be able to see and select the Project for time entry.![]() |
Limit Time Entry Task List to Permissions |
Specifies if enabled, only those Resources or Resource Groups added to Project > Permissions with Timesheet rights will be able to see and select the Task for time entry. |
Allow Resource Group Change in Timesheet |
Specifies if the Resource Group can be changed on a time entry to a group of which the Resource is not a member. |